
Transformational programs for today's courageous leaders

Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary provides a home for a variety of degree programs, certificates, and continuing education for passionate, creative, and courageous spiritual leaders seeking to make a difference.

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Garrett Student

Transformational programs for today's courageous leaders

Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary provides a home for a variety of degree programs, certificates, and continuing education for passionate, creative, and courageous spiritual leaders seeking to make a difference.

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For the Thriving of the Church and the Healing of the World

The leaders we prepare here will not just manage churches, organizations, and institutions, but will lead movements in their local communities and our world.

Invest in your future with Garrett

Garrett’s Commitment

Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary is deeply committed to forming courageous leaders in the way of Jesus to cultivate communities of justice, compassion, and hope for the thriving of the Church and the healing of the world.


Celebrating over 170 years of preparing courageous spiritual leaders

For over 170 years we have prepared spiritually adventurous, intellectually daring, and deeply faithful leaders for service to the Church, the academy, and diverse cultures and settings. Over the course of that long history, much has remained constant—our Christian identity and purpose, our Methodist tradition and ethos, our ecumenical spirit and commitment, and our determination to form and equip servant leaders who are ready, willing, and able to lead courageously in challenging times.

Via Crucis Belongs to the Community

God shows up on Good Friday in Pilsen.” For 48 years, the community has celebrated Via Crucis, a recreation of the 14 stations of the cross, hosted in the heart of 18th St. This year, organizer Nellie Quintana says the gathering will also cry out against ongoing deportations, lamenting this public crucifixion of Latiné communities. Click the link in our bio to read how you can join the Garrett Collective and bear witness at this powerful event. “No matter who you are, come on Good Friday,” Quintana says. “It’s going to change your life.”

A Beautiful Spirit

“Theology ought to be beautiful…[it] should grasp us. If we’re not doing that, then I’m not sure we’re doing theology well.” In Dr. Brian Bantum’s courses, he routinely weaves artistic practice into classroom pedagogy. Click the link in our bio to hear him and students reflect on how the act of creation helps bring them closer to one another—and to God.

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