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Doctor of Ministry in Strategic Leadership for Black Congregations

Discern God’s will and claim your unique call

Foster a vital, vibrant, relevant and transformative congregation for the 21st century

The Black Church has a unique history and culture that impacts every aspect of its life, including its worship style, forms of Christian education, methods of administration and governance, and interpersonal relationships within local congregations. The Doctor of Ministry in Strategic Leadership for Black Congregations track recognizes this uniqueness and offers students an opportunity to enhance their capacity to engage effectively in ministry within this context.

Students will cover such issues as how to approach public theology, prophetic preaching, Christian education, evangelism, biblical studies, community engagement and church administration from a Black Church perspective to foster a vital, vibrant, relevant and transformative congregation for the 21st century.

In addition to these core courses, the Strategic Leadership for Black Congregations track requires students to expand their general skills in management and leadership by their participation in Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management Executive Scholars program.

Degree Requirements:

The Doctor of Ministry in Strategic Leadership for Black Congregations is a 30-credit hour program. Students will take courses at Garrett and at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management.

3 Foundational Courses (9-credit hours)

4 Track Courses + Kellogg Certificate Courses (15-credit hours)

Proposal Research and Writing (3-credit hours)

Project Research and Writing (3-credit hours)

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