
Stead Center for Ethics and Values

Promoting engagement on pressing social ethics issues


SteadCenter-WithTagline-RGB-FullColorAn endowed center, the Jerre L. and Mary Joy Stead Center for Ethics and Values (Stead Center) draws together seminary resources, graduate professional schools, area pastors, and laity to address the compelling social ethics issues facing contemporary society. It seeks to bring a theological perspective to these issues of ecumenical and international scope.


The mission of the Stead Center is to promote teaching and research along a range of theological topics and moral issues. It is committed to drawing upon and promoting thoughtful conversation among the church, academy, and society in a manner in which no sharp distinction is drawn between “theory” and “practice.”

Meet the Director

Dr. Kate Ott is the Jerre and Mary Joy Stead Professor of Christian Social Ethics and Director of the Stead Center for Ethics and Values. She is trained in Christian social ethics and brings a background of working in the faith-based non-profit sector as well as leading international Journals and scholarly working groups.

Stead Center Website

The Stead Center encourages thoughtful and civil conversation by providing a wide range of materials accessible to a diverse audience. As the Center continues to grow, we invite you to join us in the development of social ethics resources in response to current events, theological school curricular needs, and long-standing moral inquiries.

Visit the Stead Center Website