Distinguished Alums 2002
February 24, 2002
Arthur J. Landwehr II

Arthur Landwehr, recipient of the Distinguished Alum Award, earned his bachelor of Divinity degree from Garrett Biblical Institute in 1959 following his undergraduate degree at Drake University in DeMoines, IA. Ordained in the Methodist Church, Arthur went on to pastor congregations in Marseilles, Lisle, Elmhurst, Evanston and Naperville, IL. While at his first appointment, Arthur founded Ecumenical Insights, the first post-Vatican II laity centered ecumenical program, which was commended by both Pope Paul VI and the World Council of Churches. Continuing his focus on the laity, he also developed a coffee house ministry named Logos where contemporary issues were addressed and a program through which Arthur could visit parishioners at work. Not surprisingly his empowerment of laity grew at his next appointment, Elmhurst First UMC, through the Ecumenical Lay Academy, which instructed participants on issues such as theology, death, medical ethics and biological engineering. Building on his administrative skills, Arthur then was appointed to Evanston First UMC. While there, he was recognized as one of Chicago’s 10 outstanding preachers by the Chicago Tribune, as well as the author of a Christmas program which was produced and aired on ABC. His final appointment to Grace UMC of Naperville lasted for 12 years where he grew the congregation to become the largest church in the Northern Illinois Conference. The church’s growth was not just in numbers but in ministries as they added a sister-church relationship with a church in Chicago’s Cabrini Green and a mission project in Troitsk, Russia. Arthur continues as a life trustee at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary as he has since 1976
Marsha Woolley

Marsha Woolley, recipient of the Distinguished Alum Award, graduated from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in 1985 with a master in divinity degree. Marsha has been serving churches in the Detroit Annual Conference for the past 17 years including 6 years as an associate pastor at Ypsilanti First UMC, 3 years as senior pastor at Manchester UMC, and 8 years on the pastoral staff at First UMC Ann Arbor. Known as a gifted preacher and a talented Christian educator at multiple age levels, Marsha’s gifts as an administrator have become apparent in her leadership in FUMC Ann Arbor’s first capital campaign and renovation project. Already 4 million dollars worth of renovation has been completed with 1 million dollars worth more work to complete this summer, and Marsha has been the lead person working with the architects, construction crews, and other people involved in the renovation. In addition to her service to the churches at which she’s been appointed, Marsha has endeavored to support her community and the larger church body as an active member of the following organizations: The Board of Trustees at Adrian College (her alma mater), the Board of the Michigan Christian Advocate, the Senate of the annual school for pastoral ministry, the Conference Personnel Committee, chairperson of the Order of Elders and thus a member of the Conference Board of Ministry Executive Committee, as well as chairing the District Committee on Ordained Ministry since 1990.