Rescheduled: Evanston Environmental Justice Conversation Series
April 1
The Evanston Environmental Justice Conversation Series (EEJCS) event for October 12 will be rescheduled. It was brought to the partner organizations’ attention that this event was scheduled on Yom Kippur–a very important day for our Jewish neighbors, colleagues, and community. We sincerely regret this oversight, and we apologize for any hurt this caused. We value the wide diversity of our community, and we are committed to nurturing as inclusive an event as possible. We are better together, and we hope you will stay tuned for information about a rescheduled event in April 2025.
Centering the voices of leading Chicagoland Environmental justice (EJ) advocates, the Evanston EJ Justice Conversation Series provides a biannual, accessible community forum fostering rich conversation between community members, EJ advocates, and civic, religious, and academic leaders from the Evanston community and beyond.
The keynote speaker will be Maria Hadden, alderwoman of the 49th Ward and the first Black, queer woman elected to the Chicago City Council. Maria is Chicago City Council’s Committee on Environmental Protection and Energy
Date: April 01
Time: All Day
Loder Hall
Stead Center for Ethics and Values